Dear Mighty Kids will have a one page story for each Mighty Hero, based on an interview with the Mighty Hero. Each Mighty Hero will also write a short letter to Mighty Kids with their advice on how to pursue their dreams... the "Dear Mighty Kids" part of the book. The stories will talk about the condition the Mighty Hero has and the challenges he or she faced; However, the focus of the stories will be the Mighty Hero's proudest accomplishments and how they achieved their dreams.
The Mighty Heroes will come from all around the world and have a wide variety of professions, including: advocate, artist, athlete, author, doctor, engineer, lawyer, musician, teacher, and many more. The Mighty Heroes will also have a variety of conditions like autism, cerebral palsy, craniofacial conditions, deafness, Down syndrome, dyslexia, limb differences, muscular dystrophy, visual impairment, and many others. Some of the Mighty Heroes will be famous and others you may not have heard of yet.
Sample Stories
Play these videos to hear the stories
Karen Gaffney's Story
Kennedy Nganga's Story
Melissa Shang's Story
Gaelynn Lea's Story